
Set the blue print for your company with RUMM

RUMM leaders in Energy Management Software and services. Is your company doing their part in saving energy by reducing energy consumption and being aware of the impact of energy saving on the environment? Ensure energy reduction in manufacturing is a priority within your company. You might be wondering what sets RUM apart from their competitors and why… Continue reading »


Don’t leave your energy saving measures half finished

By Andrew Diplock, Managing Director, UES Energy There are numerous actions that can be taken in the quest for Business energy reduction reducing costs and lower carbon emissions. Energy management plays a key role but it’s also important not to overlook the other end of the process – the steps you take before that precious energy… Continue reading »


Understand Your Energy Consumption

Take control of your business Energy Management with so many options available and so much information available, how can you get started Reducing Energy Consumption? First Things First:  Understand Your Energy Consumption.  The first step to understanding your path to reduced energy consumption is understanding how much energy you use from each energy source and the… Continue reading »


RUMM energy management solutions are superior than competitors

In order to increase the efficiency of energy saving programs  many corporate companies are looking to RUMM Energy Management Services to assist them with this complex issue. RUMM’S Energy Management Software is superior and powerful than that of competitors and sets RUMM apart, RUMM is a company that has caught my attention and definitely worthy of recognition for… Continue reading »


Energy Management Team

Recently RUMM have welcomed several new members to their Energy Monitoring & Management team.  They welcome Jamie Wertheim, Luke Williams, David Powlesland and James Carberry.  These new members will work closely with clients to ensure their energy management and energy legislations are being addressed, achieving carbon reduction and using carbon trading. Jamie will more specifically work with the energy… Continue reading »


Energy Management Software

IBASS Our Energy Management Software known as IBASS (Internet Based Analytical Software Suite) offers secure data storage for all the information collected from Pulse – the data collection component of our aM&T solution. IBASS is a comprehensive energy management software package that allows both RUMM and the client to examine utility consumption data using a range… Continue reading »


Business Energy Reduction

In short, our full range of energy management services, using CAP, PULSE and IBASS – RUMM’s proven methodology which is shown to work every time. From the minute we start consultations with you, our commitment is to help your business energy reduction and drive down costs. Using a hands-on approach backed up by knowledge and expertise,… Continue reading »