
Knowall IT is focused on the provision of high-performance Cloud Solutions

Information Technology encompasses all services relating to the use of computers and what is required to allow them to be able to perform their function, which is the processing, storage and exchanging of electronic information or data. Regardless of the industry or type of business, the chances are that whether you are office based or… Continue reading »


Trust Dukes of Daisy for the perfect non sexual companion

Are you wondering if you have the guts to take a complete stranger to that awful 10 year school reunion that is looming? Wondering if it is worth it and if it beats the embarrassment of arriving on your own and sitting around hoping someone remembers you from all those years ago? Have all your… Continue reading »


IBS serving the industry for 30 years

As with any equipment within an organisation in the manufacturing industry, it is vital to compare recognise that cost isn’t always the most important aspect of your purchase of an Industrial Vacuum. Often the procurement person may well source the most cost-effective equipment, without basic understanding of the product’s requirements in the workplace, over-looking the… Continue reading »


Lasting Power of Attorney Guildford | 020 3540 6658

A lasting power of attorney document serves as a legal instruction which allows you, the donor, to appoint someone, generally an attorney who has expertise and is permitted to provide legal advice, for the purpose of making decisions on your behalf when you are not able to, for instance should you become mentally or medically… Continue reading »


DIY Marquees | Professional Marquee Suppliers | 01306 876767

There is no doubt that hiring a marquee as an alternative to traditional venue hire, has become increasingly popular and serves as more than merely a place to for your guests to gather, offering a unique charm and ambiance which cannot be re-created in your usual brick and mortar venues. Any special occasion is made… Continue reading »


Emotional Detox Holistic Body Therapy is an all-natural, instinctive approach

Start your tantric journey by first beginning to understand the connection between sacred sensuality and nature’s unique ability to provide healing to the body through balance and therapeutic body work. To do this, a person would need to develop first an intellectual understanding of sacred sensuality and then allow it to deepen into a heart-centred… Continue reading »


You can trust Lodge Brothers to guide you through every step of a difficult journey

While many people spend little or no time thinking about the details surrounding their end of life, others are the exact opposite and have spent time and energy planning the details of their funeral or cremation. Whether it be details relating to the distribution of your assets and finances, in the form of your last… Continue reading »