It only takes a few minutes to register with Dukes of Daisy rent a friend service, find a date within minutes, hand pick choosing attributes, interests and personality to suit exactly what you are looking for.
Duke of Daisy male escort and female escorts are carefully selected based on key qualities that ensure you have an unforgettable and thoroughly enjoyable evening. They have a broad variety of Companions that can cater to any taste or event you have in mind – from dinner dates, theatre, weddings, work, social events and more.
Read a review below from a very happy customer
“I must say that I am very pleased with the service I have received from Dukes of Daisy! I have used other escorting sites before which have involved becoming intimate with the clients and it was something that I wanted to stop but I just didn’t know that Dukes of Daisy existed and was quite surprised when I realised that it was purely about just being a friend for someone. I wish I had found them sooner!
I found the staff very helpful and everything easy to understand as sometimes I get confused when reading terms and conditions etc but everything was straightforward and clear and I great amount of money. I have always felt safe meeting the clients and have enjoyed the experiences of meeting the clients! I have got to go to some cool events and love the fact that at the same time I’m getting paid for it! I would never use any other escorting site since discovering Dukes of Daisy!”
Interested if you find yourself thinking I need a date or thinking of become a female escort get in touch with Dukes of Daisy today!